CANCELLED…2020 B1 Awards Banquet

Notice of Becoming One Community and Enrichment Center 2020 Awards Banquet Cancellation


(SILER CITY, NORTH CAROLINA)–During the COVID-19 pandemic, I have grown closer to God and He has supped with me.

One of the revelations that our current COVID-19 crisis has exposed, and afforded us, is what is at the root…of ourselves, of our communities, of our nation.  With busyness no longer a veil we can cast over our shortcomings, several raw truths have been laid bare. 

·         First, no amount of money can heal us.

·         Second, there is a massive void at the core of many people’s lives.

·         Third, many are trying to fit the ways of the world into their own personal narrative.

·         Fourth, and most, importantly, there are forces in our world much greater than ourselves. 

So how do we, as a person, as a community, as a nation, respond to this revelation, this opportunity, this blessing?

The answer to that question remains to be seen, but early indications suggest a great many of our citizens are anxious to return to their lives, the way they were before the corona virus outbreak.  This is indeed disturbing on so many levels, not the least of which is the missed opportunity for us all to heal old wounds, to establish, and to strengthen new and existing relationships, and to self-assess our own strengths and weaknesses.  And while many are now missing the golden opportunity for healing,  we pray for this enlightenment to someday be shared by all our sisters and brothers. 

Sadly, we will not be able to share in this prayer with you for all our people during the annual Becoming One Community and Enrichment Center Awards Banquet this coming July.  With public health concerns taking precedent now, our leadership has made the decision to cancel this year’s 2020 banquet at the Chatham County Convention and Agricultural Center. 

Canceling this celebration will leave a significant hole in our spirit and our ability to spread the good news about how God’s servants in Chatham County ARE do the enlightened work so necessary in our community.  It is the work that nurtures our people…all our people, so that we may carry on and celebrate His greater good for all of us.  Yes, we do remain encouraged, but we are also counting on you to be enlightened, to be faithful, and to be diligent in your work. 

The lessons of the COVID-19 pandemic are clear, and they are profound.  What is required from us now is to reconcile our past, so that we can move forward into a more joyful, faithful, and unified nation for all of us.  We are counting on you to carry that mission forward.  Are you with us?  I know you are. 

Thank you and please trust all will be well,

Rev. Dr. Albert Reddick