Becoming One Continues Tradition of Angel Tree® Gift-giving
Now in its third year in Siler City, North Carolina, The Becoming One Community Enrichment and Diversity Center continued the ages-long tradition of gift-giving, except our target audience is a frequently over-looked, but no less meaningful, group of children…those whose parents are currently incarcerated.
Reverend Albert Reddick and wife Sandra were able to gain enough gifts and support to pack 64 gift bags, all of which were received by children (accompanied by their guardians) from Siler City and Chatham County.
“We are all God’s children,” explained Reverend Reddick. “And like Jesus, whose humble beginnings did not deter him from changing the world, the children of the Angel Tree Prison Fellowship program are all saints in the making. We are just servants trying to make sure these children find a productive path in life.”
Angel Tree®, a program of Prison FellowshipTM, reaches out to the children of prisoners and their families with the love of Christ. Through Angel Tree, volunteers are mobilized to deliver a gift, the Gospel, and a personal message of love to children on behalf of their mom or dad in prison. Every Angel Tree parent’s family is also given access to a free, easy-to-read copy of the Bible (available in English or Spanish). It starts with a gift and leads to restored relationships.
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